Dutch Junior Open 2025
Frequently Asked Questions

Hotel Related Questions

Where can I find more information about my hotel?
All the practical information about your hotel is listed on this page.

What are the check-in / check-out times of my hotel?
Van der Valk check-in not before 2 PM, check-out TBC 12 PM

Can I use the towels of the hotel for my squash activities?
No, the towels must remain in the room. You need to bring your own towels to the tournament.

I have lost my room key, what to do?
Please contact the reception of your hotel for this request.

Can I have some extra towels in my room?
Please contact the reception of your hotel for this request.

Can we make use of the restaurant / bar / room service in the hotel?
Of course you can, but please be aware that all expenses are at own cost.

At what time does the shuttle bus leave?
You can find the schedule here

Is it safe to drink tapwater?
In The Netherlands it is completely safe to drink from the faucet. In the Frans Otten Stadium you can fill your bottles at the faucets in the lavatories/toilets. In the hotel you can safely drink the tapwater as well.

In my room there are technical issues, what to do?
Please contact the reception of your hotel for this request.

I’m unhappy with my room, can I change or upgrade my room?
Please contact the reception of your hotel for this request, upgrades are at own cost. 

I’m unhappy with my room and switched hotel/room, can I get a refund?
No, following our cancellation policy (as shown in the invitation letter) you will not get a refund on any changes after the 1st of July. Please let us know the reason you changed and your new location so we can into account for next years event / feedback discussions with the hotels. 

I stay in ‘Van der Valk Hotel’, is breakfast included in my package?
The hotel packages A,B,C and D are included with breakfast. Breakfast is served between 5 AM and 11 AM.

I stay in ‘Van der Valk Hotel’,  am I allowed to use the swimming pool, gym and sauna?
Yes, if you are under supervision of a coach/staff member of parent. On every five players, there must be at least one supervisor.

Food & Beverage related questions

Is it safe to drink tapwater?
In The Netherlands it is completely safe to drink from the faucet. In the Frans Otten Stadium you can fill your bottles at the faucets in the lavatories/toilets. In the hotel you can safely drink the tapwater as well.

Is lunch at the Frans Otten Stadium included in my package?
For the packages ‘A’ to ‘D’ lunch is included at the Frans Otten Stadium. Please be aware that you lunch at the tournament restaurant and not at the club restaurant. Expenses at the club restaurant are at own cost. The location of the tournament restaurant is included in the floor plan.

Is dinner at the Frans Otten Stadium included in my package?
For the packages ‘A’ to ‘D’ dinner is included at the Frans Otten Stadium. Please be aware that you dinner at the tournament restaurant and not at the club restaurant. Expenses at the club restaurant are at own cost. The location of the tournament restaurant is included in the floor plan.

At what time will lunch be served at the Frans Otten Stadium Tournament Restaurant?
Lunch at the tournament restaurant will be served between 12 AM (noon) – 2:30 PM, earlier or later is not possible. It is possible to make use of the club restaurant at own expense. Please ask the club restaurant for more information.

At what time will dinner be served at the Frans Otten Stadium Tournament Restaurant?
Lunch at the tournament restaurant will be served between 6 PM – 8:30 PM, earlier or later is not possible in the tournament restaurant. It is possible to make use of the club restaurant at own expense. Please ask the club restaurant for more information.

I forgot my food & beverage accreditation for lunch/dinner at the Frans Otten Stadium in the hotel, what to do?
At the Frans Otten Stadium it is possible to buy a temporary lunch/dinner ticket for €10,-. You can buy a temporary ticket at the information desk at the Frans Otten Stadium. If you’re able to show your accreditation on a later moment at the information desk, we will credit the €10,-.

I have lost my food & beverage accreditation for lunch/dinner at the Frans Otten Stadium, what to do?
Please come to the Information Desk, we are happy to help you out. 

Are expenses at the bar/club restaurant of Frans Otten Stadium included in my package?
No, expenses at the bar or club restaurant of the Frans Otten Stadium are not included and at own expense. Lunch and dinner in the tournament restaurant could be included in your package, please check the questions above.

I stay in ‘Van der Valk Hotel’, is breakfast included in my package?
The hotel packages A,B,C and D are included with breakfast. Breakfast is served between 5 AM and 11 AM.

Can we make use of the restaurant / bar / room service in the hotel?
Of course you can, but please be aware that all expenses are at own cost.

Tournament related questions

Where will the matches be played?
All matches will be played at the 21 courts of the Frans Otten Stadium.

Where can I see the seeding, schedules, and results? 
All tournament related data is shown on the ESF – Tournament Software website.

How does the court allocation work?
At the DJO we will allocate courts two rounds/matches ahead, in this way we try to prevent excessive long-playing days for all of you. The court allocations will be visible on the ESF Tournament website or at the TV screens located at the Frans Otten Stadium near the tournament desk.

Do you stream matches live?
Yes, during the Dutch Junior Open we have a livestream available of Centre Court (court 21), the link to the livestream will change on a daily basis and can be found here on playing days. Also on courts 20 and 11 there is livestream available! 

Do I need to ref a match?
Yes, every player is scheduled to be the referee directly after your own match (either you win or lose) together with your opponent. Both players need to come to the tournament desk right after their own match to get the scoring sheet and the court allocation. 

Do I need to play with goggles?
Players are obliged to wear approved eye guards during all-play (including the warm-up).

Is it safe to drink tapwater?
In The Netherlands it is completely safe to drink from the faucet. In the Frans Otten Stadium you can fill your bottles at the faucets in the lavatories/toilets. In the hotel you can safely drink the tapwater as well.

Is there a physiotherapist available during the tournament?
During tournament days a physiotherapist is available at the Frans Otten Stadium from 9 AM till 7 PM. The exact location can be found in the floor plan of the Frans Otten Stadium. A consult/session can be reserved via the reservation list, located on the door of the physiotherapist. The first consult is free of charge, further consults are at own expense.

Is there a stringing service available during the tournament?
The local club offers a stringing service if racket needs to be restringed. Please go to the reception of the Frans Otten Stadium (located next to the tournament desk) to ask for prices and possibilities. 

I would like to reserve a practice court before the tournament stars, is that possible?
In advance of the tournament there are practice courts available, please contact Kevin de Visser via kevin@fransottenstadion.nl for more information.

I would like to reserve a practice court during the tournament, is that possible?
During the tournament it isn’t possible to book a practice court, the organization needs all courts during the entire tournament. 

Is it possible to request a different playing time then listed in the schedule?
No, all playing times are fixed. It is not possible to request an other playing time. 

I am too late for my match, what to do?
Please contact the organization per WhatsApp (text) on +316…….. and tell us the exact time you expect to be at Frans Otten Stadium.

Is it possible to request a change in court allocations?
No, allocated courts will not be changed, unless there are technical issues.

Is there a prize ceremony?
After the last final on Sunday, there will be a ceremony for all categories on Centre Court. The ceremony will be streamed live on our platform.

The tournament shirt doesn’t fit me well, can I change it?
At the end of the tournament it is possible to change the size of your shirt size if still available. Please come to the tournament desk on Sunday for more information.

Can I buy an extra tournament shirt? 
Yes, this is possible on Saturday and Sunday. Please come to the tournament desk for prices and info.

Transport related questions

Is there a shuttle service from the airport to Van der Valk?
Yes, you can use the shuttle service of Van der Valk. All the information is listed on this page.

Is there a shuttle from van der Valk to Frans Otten Stadium during the tournament?
During the tournament there is a free shuttle service available. It departs at the back of the van der Valk hotel and stops near the Olympic Hotel. From there it is a two minute walk. All the shuttle information is listed here. Advice from the organization: please take two shuttles earlier than you normally would do. In The Netherlands there are currently strikes which lead to excessive traffic jams especially in the morning and late afternoons.

I’m travelling by car, can I park at the Frans Otten Stadium
Yes, the Frans Otten Stadium has a parking lot. Please navigate to IJsbaanpad 43, Amsterdam. Turn right before the fence and use the gate/barrier on your left side (after 100 meters). When your leaving the Frans Otten Stadium you can pay your parking ticket at the pay wall next to the main entrance.

What is the best way to go to the city centre of Amsterdam?
If you want to enjoy the city of Amsterdam, we strongly recommend you to make use of the public transportation (bus, metro, tram or train). Another way to enjoy Amsterdam, is by bike, unless you know how to use it.

I would like to have a private transfer, is that possible?
You can ask the reception of the hotel for a private transfer by taxi, please be aware that all private transfers are 100% on own cost.

I missed the last shuttle bus back to my hotel, what to do?
Please come to the organization (information desk), they will arrange a transport for you on own costs.

I want to get to the Frans Otten Stadium in advance of the first shuttle bus, what are my possibilities?
You can ask the reception of the hotel for a private transfer by taxi, please be aware that all private transfers are 100% on own cost. 

Other questions

I’ve lost some items during the tournament, where can I find them?
All the items the organization found during the tournament are stored at the information desk at the Frans Otten Stadium. The organization can not be held responsible for stolen or damaged items in any form.

Is it safe to drink tapwater?
In The Netherlands it is completely safe to drink from the faucet. In the Frans Otten Stadium you can fill your bottles at the faucets in the lavatories/toilets. In the hotel you can safely drink the tapwater as well.

Where can I find the pictures of the tournament?
Pictures taken during the tournament will be published on this website. Thursday afternoon, you will find a link to our fotoalbum on this page.

If your question is still not answered yet, please ask the information desk at the Frans Otten Stadion. If you have a question upfront of the tournament, please contact djo@squashbond.nl, they try to respond your question within 24-36 hours.