Upsets on Saturday morning at Dutch Junior Open
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Upsets on Saturday morning at Dutch Junior Open

From Thursday the 7th of July until Sunday 10th of July the international squash youth is gathering in Amsterdam for the 34th edition of the Dutch Junior Open, the prestigious tournament for youth in the age of 8 to 19 years. On the third day of the tournament all players compete in their semi-finals or playing the end stages of the groups.

In the girls under 11 tournaments, all players compete against each other in a group stage. In the morning the Egyptian Linda El Sayed [1] was relentless against the Irish Rebecca Day [5/7] by beating her in three love games. In the same group stage, the French Emilie Leblond performed as expected by beating Bozhana Bozhilova [5/7] from Bulgaria. The French seeded [3/4] needed three games and thirty minutes to win her match. The biggest upset of the morning came from the Indian Aadya Budhia [3/4] who was able to win over the number two seeded and group leader Naomi Wiegenfeld in three games.

The semi-finales of the boys under 11 took place in the morning of the Dutch Junior Open. The Egyptian Ibrahim Hosny [3/4] competed the Indian Ayaan Dhanuka [5/8]. Despite Dhanuka’s upset over number two seeded Kylen Calder [2], the Indian player couldn’t repeat his performance. In three grames Hosny won his semi-final an proceeded to the gold medal match on Sunday. In this final he will face top seeded Malek Ahmed from Egypt who was able to beat Graeson Smith [3/4] in three games. The Egyptian players will play their final on Sunday at 9 AM local time.

The first semi-final in the girls under 15 took place in the morning as well, number one seeded Aanahat Singh contended the Belgium Savannah Moxham [3/4]. The Indian player performed well on the glass court and proceeds, after winning in three, to the gold medal match on Sunday 09:45h at the Centre Court of the Frans Otten Stadium.

All match results including lots of five-game-matches can be found via this link. The matches on Centre Court (court 21) are streamed live via our platform.